Host Promo Code

Hostigger Promo Code

Hostigger Promo Code

Hostigger Promo Code

[title]Welcome 2020 | 4 CORE CPU | 15GB RAM | 150GB SSD | 1 Gbps Port - TR/NL/USA - $119,99/Yearly[/title]


Here’s what they had to say:

- USA our servers work with 4x E7-4870 Processors and SSD Disk Storages. As is known, the SSD Disk reads and writes fast. Our servers are located in Kansas City
- Turkey our servers work with 4x E7-4870 Processors and SSD Disk Storages. As is known, the SSD Disk reads and writes fast. Our servers are located in Istanbul
- Netherlands our servers work with 2x E5-2650L Processors and SSD Disk Storages. As is known, the SSD Disk reads and writes fast. Our servers are located in Amsterdam

Virtualization Infrastructure : VMware
OS Options: CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Windows
Location / USA DC: Kansas City (Unreal servers)
Location / TR DC: Istanbul / Equinix
Location / NL DC: Amsterdam/ Equinix
Control Panel: Power On, Power Off, Reboot

Welcome 2020 - Special VPS
4 Core CPU
150 GB PureSSD
20 TB Bandwidth
1 Gbit/s Port
1 Usable IP Address
Istanbul, Kansas City or Amsterdam
$13,99/mo | $119,99/yr - Order Now 

Available Operating Systems
CentOS 6
CentOS 7
Debian 8
Debian 9
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 18.04
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016 R2



The specified network speeds may vary depending on the distance between the location of your country and the server location. When you fill in your monthly traffic, your network speed will be updated to 50 Mbps

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